Top quality technical support saves money
One of Hart Materials regular customers recently hit a serious problem when one of their nickel sulphamate electroplating processes began producing brittle deposits after working exceptionally well for a very long time.
The quick way around this problem was to dump the content of the process tank and make up a new solution from fresh concentrate - but that is also the expensive route.
A lower cost answer to the problem was determined by employing the accumulated experience of Dr. Tony Hart (Hart Materials Managing Director) with the operation of nickel sulphamate processes.
Working in close co-operation with the technician in charge of the customer’s process Tony succeeded in identifying the probable contaminant.
Unfortunately, the conventional method of removing this particular material is quite messy and time consuming. So another simpler and inexpensive decontamination route was devised and found to work well. Within two to three days the solution was back in good condition producing ductile nickel deposits.
Details of the methods of removing contamination from nickel sulphamate solutions – providing significant cost savings - are described in the detail. in the Hart Materials Nickel Sulphamate Working Manual, the new edition of which was published early this year.
This top level of technical expertise is available from the staff at Hart Materials new Technology Centre in Wombourne, South Staffordshire.