For over thirty years Hart Materials has successfully marketed products manufactured in the U.S.A. by NOVAMET Specialty Products Corporation.
The close personal working relationship that has developed is the core of this partnership and regular visits between the two companies has been a key factor in establishing an excellent level of hands-on cooperation.
Consequently Hart Materials were very pleased to welcome NOVAMET’s President John Torbic and their European Export Sales Manager, Matt Groo to their Technology Centre in Wombourne, U.K. on 22nd and 23rd February.
Dr. Tony Hart, Chairman of Hart Materials Limited comments; “It is an indicator of the strong support that we have constantly received from NOVAMET that John and Matt should have paid us the compliment of returning less than 18 months after their last visit. During this time both companies have been consolidating re-location of their operations into purpose designed facilities”.
tonyhart photo“As a consequence we are gearing up for a new increased level of business with NOVAMET, now offering exciting new products in addition to their traditional range.
In particular, they have radically re-shaped their manufacturing process for Nickel-Coated Graphite enabling them to offer a wider range of products made to an exceptional level of reproducibility and, in addition, to fine tune these products to suit the specific customer requirements.
We are looking forward to working alongside NOVAMET to fulfil requirements of our existing users and the challenge of enlarging our customer base across Europe.”