REACH, the EU regulation relating to the registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals, came into force in June 2007 to replace a number of directives and regulations with a single system.
Over the last decade, European industry has been forced to spend a vast amount of money and effort in a bid to ensure that the regulation is applied realistically by the EU authorities and is accurate in relation to the real hazards of handling chemicals.
In a recent attempt to justify its activities, the European Chemical Agency, ECHA, published a document entitled “Cost and benefit assessments in the REACh Restriction dossiers”.
In response, CEO of the British Surface Engineering Association and CETS President, David Elliott stated “the only conclusion we can draw from this report is that the costs to industry are very real and making the EU less competitive in the global market place whilst the benefits are, at present, all hypothetical and presented in such a way as to convince everyone that REACH is actually working”.
David, an industry friend and colleague of Hart Materials' MD, Dr. Tony Hart, has spent over twelve years dealing with environmental and legislative matters in the surface technology industry, including all stages of the implementation of REACH. He has represented the industry position at EU gatherings in Brussels and also at ECHA meetings in Helsinki.
From this position, David’s critical remarks about the evidence submitted by the ECHA report carry the weight of his considerable experience and knowledge, and require serious consideration by all companies affected by REACH.