We are pleased to announce that PI-KEM Ltd has purchased Hart Materials.

For all enquiries please contact us on +44 (0) 1827 259250 or e-mail sales@hartmaterials.com

  • Sulphamic Acid

Sulphamic Acid is used in nickel sulphamate solutions to maintain the pH of the solution at its optimum level.

Due to the fact that the cathodic deposition process in nickel deposition processes is lower than the anodic dissolution process, the pH of the solution will always tend to rise during operation. Sulphamic acid is used – either in solid or solution form - to reduce the pH to its optimum values.

Hart Materials markets high quality sulphamic acid in crystal form, securely packaged in 10 kg quantities, and can also be supplied in convenient solution concentrations.

For more information on Sulphamic Acid, please contact us.


Nickel Electroforming Materials

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